People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives good anyway.
If you're successful, you'll win false friends and true enemies
...succeed anyway.
The good you do today will perhaps be forgotten tomorrow good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable honest and frank anyway.
The biggest man with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest man with the smallest mind
...think big anyway.
People favour underdogs but follow only hot dogs
...fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you help them them anyway.
Give the world the best that you have and you will get kicked in the teeth
... give the world the best that you have anyway
If better is possbile, then good is not enough...
As I reflect on what this insightful quote says, I just realise how much I need to change and how much I should push forward. I'm always affected about what people say or what people think about me. Sometimes, I end up hurting the people close to me because of my own weaknesses and sometimes even my strengths. I have only myself to blame. Frankly, it's tough. It's really tough when things do not go your way and sometimes you get misunderstood. But after reading this quote, it has given me the strength to continue to do what I do best. To know that I am unique and that I am loved by God. It doesn't really matter what people think about me or what people say about me. My significance is in Jesus and in Jesus alone!
Oh Lord, I cry out to you...
You know my heart and my desire...
I have failed You so many times...
But each time, You pick me when I fall...
I cannot comprehend everything...
It's just so tough and so complicated...
My heart cries out...
My soul yearns...
Each passing day, my heart aches...
Oh Lord, I want to place my assurance in You...
For You are my refuge...
My salvation and my comfort in time of need...
Oh Lord, strengthen me...
As I push forward to win the race...
Help me to focus on what is important...
Thank You for embracing me...
Your wings protect me...
You love me like no other...
Thank You Jesus!
It's really strange where God places you each time. And each time, it's a trial and each time, God strengthens you. Many times, it's due to the fact that I lack the skill of understanding the people around me. I fail to understand others because of :-
Fear, when we fail to understand people, we usually react by becoming fearful. And once we start fearing others, we rarely try to overcome our fear in order to learn more about others.
Self-centeredness, we are not self-centered on purpose but it's just the way we humans think of our own interest first. Jesus said, "Love your enemies as you love yourself."
Failure to Acknowledge Differences, we tend to see things at our own perspective. And many times, we fail to see from the other person's perspective. Once you learn to appreciate other people's differences, you come to realise that there are many responses to it.
Failure to Acknowledge Similarities, we all have emotional reactions to what's happening around us. Sometimes, it's not our differences with other people that we don't understand. Knowing what people need or want is the key to understanding them.
I hope you have learned something like I did. May my experiences be a blessing to you and that you would learn from them...