Playing Truant...

It was 11.00am. I saw my manager leave the building. Great, I'm about to sneak out and head towards Low Yat Plaza to do some shopping. Muahahaha! Two of my colleagues were interested and wanted to hop onto the band wagon. Okay, that was fine with me and we only left around 12.30pm because my colleague had some odds and ends to tidy up before we left.
We left my office building heading towards KL and I took the Parliament way via Jalan Damansara. Bad mistake! We were stuck in a jam. Took us 1 and a half hours to reach Low Yat! It was already 2pm and I was getting a little anxious. Wondering if our manager was looking for us or not. We had lunch and went to the 2nd floor of Low Yat to do some shopping.
Great, we left at 3.30pm and only arrived back in the office at about 4pm. My heart was pumping by then. "Oh dear, this was too much, a 3 and a half hour lunch. She's gonna grill us alive!". So we sheepishly entered the office and...
My manager was not in!
She was not back till 4.30pm. Phew! I gave her a where-did-you-disappear-to-for-so-long look. Muahahaha... she didn't know that no one was around either. Looks like not only do employees try to play truant, managers do as well! I left the office at about 4.45pm today. Yeah, yeah... jealous, leh?
Got home to do some cleaning because I'm a friend staying over for the night. Vacuumed the carpet, mopped the floor, washed the toilet and sprayed Lysol all over the place. *grin*.Talking about friend staying over, I've gotta pick him up now! Gosh, I almost forgot about him! Catch ya guys later! Buh-bye!
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