My Significance...
What is real significance? Pr. D puts it really well when he spoke on purpose driven life and how some of us view our significance. We view our identity and significance through:- - our ancestry - our background - our job - our position - our titles or degrees - our possessions - where we live, people we mix with and places we frequent - what other people say, think or write about us We should however base our identity through Christ... I sometimes find it hard, as I still do base my significance on worldly things. But that's really the beauty of it all. That God still loves me for who I am. And as I die to myself day after day, He continues to mold and sculpt me into a better person. I'm glad I'm not perfect, or I'd be stealing the glory from Jesus. I thank God for His grace and what I lack, He supplies. I know one day, I'll look back and realise that it's not how I started but how I finished. Thank you Jesus for Your love to me!
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