On Wednesday, we had Jesus Heals Rally where Pr. Jean Lim prayed and healed the sick. It was a really great experience to see a woman of God like her at work. God is really using her in a magnificent way. The real highlight for the evening was when Datuk Chua Jui Meng told us his testimony. It was just awesome! You would have to listen to this man speak! Gosh, I would not have called it a testimony as it was more like a sermon, which lasted 45 minutes! But it was a great testimony, he spoke about how he encountered God and about God's divine intervention in his son's escape in a kidnap attempt. It is just so amazing how God can use great leaders of our nation to touch the lives of unbelievers. He was once a minister of men, but now he's a minister of God. *awed* Today, my 3-day fast and prayer ends! Can't wait till I break fast tonight!!! I'm gonna have a good Bak Kut Teh! You see, on Wednesday when I started fasting, I was really tempted to have Bak Kut Teh because I saw Matthew having some. I almost lost it and I stood up and was about to walk towards the stall to order one but my fellow Christian friends stopped me(thanks G9, Jon and Matt, you guys are the best!). I would have compromised and ordered a bowl of delicious Bak Kut Teh for myself just to satisfy my physical needs. But it's been great, since the first day, I've not had that problem anymore. Not eating for 3 days is pretty tough but it really strengthens my Spirit Man. I feel so psyched for this weekend's celebration as I'll be playing bass! I'm looking forward for a great worship experience and an encounter with God. I believe God is gonna do something great in DUMC...

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