Abimelech Goes On Vacation...

Today, Abimelech will be going on a holiday! *sniff* *sniff* Miss him already! He'll be going to the launderette for a first class spa and treatment session. Gosh, wish I had that luxury! And he brought a friend along...

It's none other than Miss Hippo! -[Aleph-Tav]- and I thought that they both need a bath. So bringing them to the dry cleaners would be a good idea. I just hope that they'll do a good job, I wouldn't want Abimelech returned to me in stripes instead of spots!
I've added a new commenting system on my blog, HaloScan. Gosh, I didn't know that it'll remove all the previous comments! Well, no worries, you can help by adding some comments. It seems much easier to comment with HaloScan since you don't need to login to BlogSpot first. Thanks, James, I stole this from your site, muahahahaha!
Okay, I've gotta get back to work now. Here is another picture of Abimelech & Ms. Hippo again! (They are sooo cute!).

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