Public Internet Booths and Women...
What does women and Public Internet booths have in common? I'm not sure but I definitely get into trouble when these two come together! The last time I was at the airport, a lady was waiting impatiently for me to finish my session. This time, it was different. I was standing behind a booth and when the patron finished his session, I proceeded towards the booth only to be stopped by this big fat old lady who demanded that I give up my booth because she was there first. Yes, she was there first... but she was hogging another booth on the other side! Well, being the nice guy I always am, I gave in . Well, I always believe that the smaller and more manoeuvreable ship should give way to the bigger ship. I'm still dumb-founded as to why I am always placed into these situations. Oh, Lord, help me! Today, I took an early flight to Singapore to conduct a training. It's the first time that I am not fully prepared. But thank God, I managed to "bluff" my way through and sounded pretty convincing to the customers. I just said a simple prayer asking God to help me as I really didn't know what I was talking about. Well, here I am, all finished for the day. Hallelujah! John Maxwell is coming to town! Yippie! I'm so excited. I'll probably go for his Leadership Seminar in September. Gonna burn a hole in me pocket but I know it's gonna be worth it! Anybody wanna join me? Cheers for now, got another 2 minutes before my session ends! See you guys back in KL! [Edit] Oooohh.. I'm flying back to KL by Japanese Airlines. *evil grin* Just saw some of the air hostess passed by. It's gonna be a good 55 minutes flight for me. Muahahahaha!
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