
Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Brand New Year A Brand New Beginning...

Goodbye 2005 and welcome 2006! "The year of building faith" reads the signage in front of DUMC's stage. I thought to myself, what it means to build faith? Have I been building faith? In myself? In others? How have I built faith in my own life as well as others in the past year? How could I improve? What must I do to do things differently. During my MAG, I shared that last year, the theme that God impressed upon me was knowing the father heart of God. Like a child, you would know what you need to do, to get your father's attention, or to make your father smile. You know your dad does not like if you play the whole day and not study. When you disobey, your father grieves. Likewise, does your Father in heaven grief over the many sins that we have committed but yet, He stands by ourside, comforting us, encouraging us and supporting us just like the story of the Footprints. Time and time again, God has impressed upon me how little I know the heart of the Father. I've made up my mind to pursue nothing less than to please my Father in heaven. Last year was about awareness, knowing the heart of the Father. But this year, it's about experiencing it. That's my resolution for this year...