Finally! Abimelech is back! I missed him sooooo much and finally he is back in my arms, sparkling clean. I think the dry cleaners did an excellent job. Applause!
I went to KL Tower for a buffet dinner last night. Wow, it was utterly awesome! I can't imagine that the KL skyline is so beautiful! I was at the Realto Towers in Melbourne but this definitely beats it hands down. It's actually my first time at KL Towers. I've been dying to visit KL Tower for God knows how long. Finally found a reason and there I was, at the foothill of Menara KL...

The food was excellent, you can choose between a Asian or Western cuisine for your unsatisfiable appetite. The oysters were mouth-watering but it was all gone by the time I went for a second helping. The people there gobbled up everything like ravenous wolves. Oh well, I had my fair share of Norwegian Smoked Salmon and which was good enough for me. It was a fun time, we went around taking pictures of everything from hand-made waxed figurines to a miniature model of KL Tower. If you ever have a change to go to KL Tower, I'll urge you to do so. It's a great place to hang out.

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