
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Busy busy busy...

Just a quick update. It's gonna be a busy week for me. Been working late for the past two nights. I'll be away in JB for a friend's wedding this weekend. So if I don't blog, you know what's the reason. Gotta get back to work now, see you guys soon! At the meantime, stay cool and God bless!

Monday, October 25, 2004

Just For Today…

Just for today… I will choose and display the right attitude. Just for today… I will determine and act on important priorities. Just for today… I will know and follow healthy guidelines. Just for today… I will communicate with and care for my family. Just for today… I will practice and develop good thinking. Just for today… I will make and keep proper commitments. Just for today… I will earn and properly manage finances. Just for today… I will deepen and live out my faith. Just for today… I will initiate and invest in solid relationships. Just for today… I will plan for and model generosity. Just for today… I will embrace and practice good values. Just for today… I will seek and experience improvements. Just for today… I will act on these decisions and practice these disciplines, and Then one day… I will see the compounding results of a day lived well.

(John C. Maxwell in Today Matters)
How about you, how would you live your life?

Friday, October 22, 2004

A Stranger in My Room...

The stranger was sitting on my favourite chair...
As I walked closer...
It was Abimelech! Muahaha!
P/S: Things you do on a rainy day while cleaning your room. *grin* And yes, that's my room!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why People Don't Change...

Have you ever wondered why people don't change? Why are they the way they are? You scold them, beat them, bend them and yet, they prefer to remain where they are. A stubborn allegiance to old habits and traditions as it were. Why doesn't a person want to change? Does change threaten you?I believe that every born-again Christian should embrace change in their lives. Why? Because even Jesus' ministry leads to change and transformation. Are you resistant to change? Are you resisting the very work of God in your life? Are you prepared to renew your mind? People do not change because they are:- 1) Comfortable - They see no need for change in their lives. 2) Conscientious - They are resistant to change in their lives. 3) Conventional - They rely on their past achievements in life. I don't have any formula to help you change. I don't have an answer either. But I would want to bring into view the biblical aspect as to why we should change. In Proverbs, King Solomon wrote, "A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel". I believe that in everything we do, we need to grow, we need to learn, we need to run the race and we need to progress as it were, to a whole new level. In order to change our lives, we must change our thinking. John Maxwell says, "Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today". By changing the way we think, we change our lives. Another one of King Solomon's wisest proverbs, "As people think in their hearts, so they are". That is why, the no. 1 rule of change is "Do not force people to change". One person cannot change another person. You can only change yourself. You are responsible to people but not for them. You might be thinking, "I want to change but I don't know how to get past my emotions." So how can I change? You change when you, 1) Hurt enough that you are willing to change. 2) Learn enough that you want to change. 3) Receive enough that you are able to change. My challenge to you is to make a decision today. Tell yourself that you want to change. You want to breakthrough to a new level. James Allen, the author of As a Man Thinketh quipped, "You will become as small as your controlling desire as great as your dominant aspiration". Let your thinking grow and let your dreams grow bigger. You can change, it's a matter of decision and discipline. Are you prepared to bring yourself to a higher level at whatever the cost? If you are, then you need know 3 things:- 1) Change is personal - I need to change 2) Change is possible - I'm able to change 3) Change is profitable - I'll be rewarded by change If you have made that decision, I would encourage you to do few things. Learning is a process and don't be discouraged if you do not see results the moment you tell yourself you want to change. Here are a few steps to help you in your growth plan:- 1) Reaffirm yourself daily that you want to change, change is a daily decision. 2) Ask God for wisdom for He will give you without finding fault (James 1:5). 3) "One is too small a number to achieve greatness" says John Maxwell. Be amongst wise counsel who can help and encourage you to grow. A MAG would be a great place to start. If you don't have one, find one! (Prov 1:5) 4) Read at least one book a month. Learn and apply it in your life daily. I've made that decision to change 5 years ago. I told myself that I should take responsibility over my life and in order to be a vessel for God, I have to be prepared to make sacrifices. I have to be prepared to accept and learn things that might be foreign to me. I thank God for the people that have made a positive impact in my life. I would not be where I am today if it's not for them. Learning is a process and as I continue to add value in my journey, my deepest desire is to see fellow brothers and sisters walking that same path. I urge you to make that decision just as Jack La Lanne, America's "Godfather of Fitness" who at his 70th birthday swam a mile and a half while shackled as he towed 70 boats in Long Beach Harbor said, "Change your life, save your life, you are the most important person you have, if you won't do it, who will?". So make that decision today! For TODAY MATTERS! (Some of the points that I've written are taken from John Maxwell's Today Matters and Thinking For A Change.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Some Pictures...

My housemates...
Graduation Day...
Me, Lorraine & Sharon...
Toilet in Stockholm, Sweden...
Poh Ann with my Christmas gift...
Shyen Ann & me...
Gong Gong and Shyen Ann...
Poh Ann... so beautiful...
Jeanine & I, thanks for sending me to work for the past 2 years!
Thanks for making my life a masterpiece!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Reason For "Goodbye Dream Bass"...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Who Am I?

I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half of the things you do you might just as well turn over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed--you must merly be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great men; and alas, of all failures as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus intelligence of a man. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin--it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am habit!

Friday, October 15, 2004

How My Kidneys Would Look Like...

Old & New Filter
I changed the water filter today. To my horror, I was shocked to find out how "clean" it was! Gosh, imagine the amount of dirt we drink from unfiltered water daily. At mamak, at the chinese restaurant at Taman Tun, McD's? But thank God that my housemates and I invested in a water treatment system! Imagine our kidneys could be brown in colour and filled with rust! Awww, man! Ughhh! *cough* *cough*

We Are Impacted Most By...

...people of courage
...people of character
...people of discipline
...people of excellence
...people of compassion
...people of encouragement
...people of vision
...people of generosity
...people of wisdom
...people of faith
- Dr. Steve Stephens
A couple of months back, I shared this with my MAG. I asked them what would be their top three traits that they see in themselves and what would be the traits they would want people to see in them. We are all drawn to people like these. People who impact us and made a difference in our lives. These people are ordinary people set out to do extraordinary things. You and I are no different and we can be people who make a positive impact in people's lives. What about you? How do you see yourself? Are you impacting others in a positive way? How can you improve in areas that you are weak in? As we draw to a close for this year, spend some time going through these questions. I have attempted to do this every year to evaluate on what I have and not achieved for the year. It is a good idea to send this out and get your friends and family to evaluate on you as well. Here are some questions I ask myself during my think time.
  1. What are my 3 greatest strengths this year?
  2. What are my 3 greatest weaknesses this year?
  3. What are my 3 greatest talents?
  4. What is one thing that I am good at, but have nothing to gain for others?
  5. Name one incident that I have been an encouragement to others.
  6. Name one incident that I have disappointed others.
  7. Has there been an incident where my attitude outdistance my abilities? If yes, when & how?
  8. What are some areas that I need to improve on? (Strengths, weaknesses, talents)
  9. What is my greatest passion - the thing I love doing so much that I would gladly do it for free?
  10. What have my unique life experiences prepared me to do?
  11. What is so important to me that I would be willing to die for?
  12. What current circumstances can I positively change to free up more resources or create more opportunities?
  13. How do people view you? What are their initial impression? Has that impression changed?
  14. What would be a tag line that would best describe me?
  15. What is one area that I should beware of?

I'd like to challenge you today, to spend time to think through what is important in your life. What is the foundation of your values? What pushes you on and further in life? What can you improve by end of this year? What is one thing that you can do for somebody by end of this year? Isn't life about giving? How much have you give of your time, your money and your heart? I would like to challenge you to think thru these things and spend time to work on it. Don't wait till tomorrow for tomorrow may never come. Make today a masterpiece. The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today. You can do it! I have confidence and faith that you are meant for larger things. May God continue to bless you and enlarge your borders everyday!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Phillipians 4:8 (NIV).

Knowing my purpose in life, maximising my potential and sowing seeds to benefit others. - John C. Maxwell

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I'd like to post a poem here today which someone sent to me recently. And this poem was written out of inspiration from reading my blog! (Suddenly feel so honoured that my posts gives light to some people *grin*). Thanks for the contribution, you know who you are!

This hands that love, This hands that pray, This hands that shows, What words can't fully say... This feet that walks, Far to the ends of the earth, This feet that bares, The greatest news of God's love... This lips that adores, Magnifies and praises Him, This lips that sings, A song of love and hymns.. This heart that opens, For the only One to dwell in, This heart that knows, That HE took away all sins... This mind can't conceive, The wonders of who HE is, Yet this mind holds, The truth of which.. What can't be seen, felt or heard Does not change the truth of HIS everlasting and unfailing love...

The Cuppycake Song...

The "CUPPYCAKE" Song (Lyrics and Music by Judianna Castle) is actually the chorus from Amy's version of "You're My Honeybunch" (lyrics and music by Judianna and Buddy Castle) You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye And I love you so and I want you to know That I'll always be right here And I love to sing sweet songs to you Because you are so dear
Awww... this is such a cuuuuuuuuuuuute song! Gosh, can imagine my lil' niece singing it to me... *dreamy eyes*
P/S: You can listen to the song at http://www.cuppycake.com/

Monday, October 11, 2004


I'm really enjoying myself reading John Maxwell's latest book, Today Matters. If success is a tree, this book is its roots. As I indulge myself, savouring every bit of wisdom from this man, I would like to share with you something that John Maxwell wrote that has sparked off within me. It's not something new for most of us but it's something that we need to spend intentional time to do. And that area that I'm talking about is the area of our thoughts. Our thinking. Claude M. Bristol, the author of The Magic of Believing said, "Thought is the original source of wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and all achievement." What kind of value do you put on good thinking? Good thinking does not equate to intelligence. Good thinking is a skill, a habit and a culture. You need to cultivate good thinking. You are not born with good thinking. This insight has really challenged me to rethink how I look at my daily thought process. Do I spend time thinking? Have I made the decision to practice and develop good thinking daily? John Maxwell lays down 6 useful ways for us to cultivate a good thinking habit. You should :- 1) Find A Place To Think... Everyone has a thinking spot. Look for a spot where you can spend time thinking. Freo Smoothies has one of my favourite thinking spots so far. And I have my favourite sofa tucked a the back of the place which I could spend some time alone, just thinking through things and processing my thoughts. 2) Set Aside Think Time Every Day... Find time to think! That's pretty obvious! But hey, not everyone of us make that intentional effort to spend time thinking. Carving out the time to do so is important. Make it a habit to spend time daily to cultivate a good thinking habit. 3) Find A Process That Works For You... Everyone has different ways of approaching the thinking process. Some stare at stones for ideas or maybe your creative juices starts rolling when you are in the shower. Find out what's best for you to trigger your thinking cap. 4) Capture Your Thoughts... This has to be one of my favourites. A thought remains a thought until you put it on paper. This is one of the most important points in my opinion. Keep a notepad or some 5x7 cards with you can write down your thoughts as you go along the day. In fact, most of my thoughts remain in my head because I never write them down quick enough and I usually forget them by the time I have my pen and paper ready. Ah, something that I have to start doing! 5) Put Your Thoughts Into Action Quickly... Executing my thoughts has never been my cup of tea. For instance, I've been thinking of exercising for 30 minutes since last week and I have not even moved my feet! This is something that I have to learn to do as well. 6) Try To Improve Your Thinking Every Day... John Maxwell recommends 3 easy steps--focus on the positive, gather good input and spend time with good thinkers. Thinking alone won't guarantee success but we must develop good thinking. And thinking of the right things. Reading is one way you can gather good input. Another way is to have a group of friends who are good thinkers as well. I'm glad that I have my MAGs and it has helped me to rewire my thought process. Most of us take thinking for granted. Instead, we should be intentional in our thinking. Every day of our lives, if we spend time thinking and analysing our thought process, we might end up somewhere we might never thought possible. If you are reading this, I'd like to challenge you to spend time daily to cultivate good thinking. Spend time with people who are eager to learn and eager to develop. Influence one another to improve your thinking daily. I have personally found this helpful and I hope you have as well.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Christ or Me?

While reading my daily devotion today, I was deeply impressed by the way Oswald Chambers express his thoughts regarding a sense of restedness in his heart. "I cannot save and sanctify myself; I cannot atone for sin; I cannot redeem the world; I cannot make right what is wrong, pure what is impure, holy what is unholy. That is all the sovereign work of God." Do I have faith in what Jesus Christ has done? I have to confess that there were times I try to earn my salvation. I rely on my own strength and not on the strength of the Lord. Yes, my heart's desire can be pure but do I lay down everything at the foot of the cross and trust in the finish work of the Lord Jesus Christ? There are so many things in this world that I wish that I was able to make right. Many times I fail. Many times I am disappointed. But why does all these happen? It's because I have not truly found rest in the Lord. Having a sense of restedness in your heart is key to a fulfilling life. Do you feel lonely? Do you feel empty inside? Do you feel that there is a void that you aren't able to fill? That is because, you have not found a sense of restedness in your heart! We fall prey to this everyday in our lives. As Oswald puts it, "The great need is not to do things but to believe things." It's not through your action, it is through faith! I like what A.W. Tower said, "When we are at the Lord's table, we do not need to usher in the presence of God. He's here!". God is here! And He's here to do overexceedingly and immeasureably more than you and I can ever ask for. The question is whether we are willing to submit to Him and obey Him? Are we willing to rest in Him? Following Christ is a daily decision. It's a daily decision to rest in Him. It's a daily decision to obey Him. Everyday, I die to self, I gain Christ. The words of John Stott reminds us that God is there "at the beginning." according to Genesis 1:1. The first four words in the Bible are more than just an introduction to creation. John Stott beautifully expounds the Word of God that, "You can never take God by surprise. You can never anticipate him. He always makes the first move. He is always there "in the beginning". Before man existed, God acted. Before man stirs himself to seek God, God has sought man. In the Bible we do not see man groping after God; we see God reaching after man." I just love the last sentence, "...we do not see man groping after God; we see God reaching after man". It shows that God is sovereign. God is not on a throne a puppet master who plays our lives out and dictates what is destined in our lives. He is real and He is next to us during our trials and temptations. He was flesh. He was man! This shows a God of compassion and a God who cares for you and I. In the beginning, God loves you! Oh Lord, bring me continually to the trial of the Atonement, give me wisdom so that I may discern between this and that. Teach me to rest in You. It is not I but Christ. The problems and difficulties I face, I lay it all down at Your feet. Cleanse me and make me whole. Oh Lord, teach me how I can be more submissive and obedient to You. My only desire is that you make a masterpiece of my life through the finish work of Christ. That I may be an instrument for your bidding. One that impacts generations and builds a legacy for Your name sake. Bless me, Oh Lord! In Jesus name I commit all these, Amen

Friday, October 08, 2004

Time is Priceless...

To know the value of one year...
ask the student who failed the final exam.
To know the value of one month...
ask the mother of a premature baby.
To know the value of one week...
ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine.
To know the value of one day...
ask the wage earner who has six children.
To know the value of one hour...
ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To know the value of one minute...
ask the person who missed the plane.
To know the value of one second...
ask the person who survived the accident.
To know the value of one millisecond...
ask the Olympic silver medalist.
Time is priceless...
- Original source unknown

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Goodbye Dream Bass...

Keith Roscoe makes the most beautiful hand-crafted basses in the world. Roscoe basses are well known for it's amazing tone. Driven by a 18V Bartolini Active Preamp and Bartolini Soapbar Pickups, this baby packs a punch! The excellent workmanship is evident in every bass which Keith builds. Unfortunately, I have to say goodbye to my dream bass (at least for now). Here are some pictures of a Keith Roscoe 5-String LG3005 Bass.
Excellent craftmanship...
Spalted Purpleheart Fingerboard...
Keith Roscoe's unique headstock...
Pure work of art!...
Click for a larger view...
Another one of Keith's creations...
Pictures courtesy of Roscoe Guitars

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Grand Dad and Nieces...

My beloved dad and my favourite nieces...
(Okay, so they are my only two nieces :-P)

Shyen Ann, Gong Gong and Poh Ann (Hmm.. where'd he get that T-shirt? *roll eyes*)

Lost in the Jungle...

Ah Whim Ba Wek, Ah Whim Ba Wek!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
The lion sleeps tonight!
Talking about jungles, I'm pretty lost right now. I'm in a middle of a jungle without a compass or a map. And that sleeping lion could wake up any minute and devour me. Oh, where am I? You see, I've been in this jungle for almost 3 years now and I thought I had an excellent guide. But unfortunately, things didn't work out as it was supposed to. I lost my guide. Now, in the middle of the jungle, without a compass and without a map, I'm completely lost. Life takes a whole new meaning when things are not what they seem. Today, a fellow hiker whom I've met for a few years now, had gone home to the Lord. He said me, "Ian, it has been a privilege and a pleasure to have worked alongside you and I wish you all the best for the future." And there, he breathed his last breath... I hope I'd be able to meet someone in this jungle. Or hopefully, a new expedition. I would gladly jump onto the bandwagon. At least I know, that I have a trustworthy guide and that they would lead me out of this jungle one day. I'm getting tired and stressed. Not because of the hiking and the lack of food. But rather, tired of being lost. I hope there are some signposts along the way that would show me the right direction to go. Hopefully, someone would come along and carry me home. But right now, it's all about searching and searching. How long more would I last in my current situation? I do not know. How long more before I see home? I do not know. How long more before the day turns to night and the night turns to day? I do not know. I'm lost... lost in the jungle... God, if you hear me, answer me. Show me the right direction. Lead me to the right path. I want to follow Your way and lean not on my own understanding. You are my compass. You are my map. Guide me like a shepherd who guides his sheep. Oh, what pain, oh what agony! Deliver me dear Lord! But for now, I shall walk... & walk... & walk... & wa... &... "Bless me indeed, Lord! Expand my boundaries! Your hand be with me! And lead me from temptation!"

Monday, October 04, 2004

A Maturity Test...

  1. Do you tend to blame other people when things go wrong?
  2. Do you make excuses for your failures?
  3. Do you prefer to ignore difficulties and hope they'll go away on their own?
  4. Do you sometimes blame your poor background for why you've never fulfilled your potential?
  5. Do you tell a little white lie if it will gett you off the hook?
  6. Do people sometimes say, "When are you ever going to grow up?"
  7. Do you avoid responsibility if possible?
  8. Do you find it difficult to adjust to new situations?
  9. Do you wonder if you'll ever get all of your life together?
  10. Do you often think -- or tell others --- that next year will be different, better, a success?
  11. Are you usually able to talk your way out of most anything?
  12. Do you feel that you never get the breaks you deserve?
  13. When you're caught at something you shouldn't be doing, is your first thought to lie or make excuses?
  14. Do you feel that if you had a bigger or better house you'd be happy?

Source : "After Every Wedding Comes A Marriage" by Florence and Fred Littauer

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Minimelech Spotted in Sea Park...

Last night, I spotted Minimelech in church! Christine left her car in church because she was away for a leader's retreat with the XYZ team.