We Are Impacted Most By...
- What are my 3 greatest strengths this year?
- What are my 3 greatest weaknesses this year?
- What are my 3 greatest talents?
- What is one thing that I am good at, but have nothing to gain for others?
- Name one incident that I have been an encouragement to others.
- Name one incident that I have disappointed others.
- Has there been an incident where my attitude outdistance my abilities? If yes, when & how?
- What are some areas that I need to improve on? (Strengths, weaknesses, talents)
- What is my greatest passion - the thing I love doing so much that I would gladly do it for free?
- What have my unique life experiences prepared me to do?
- What is so important to me that I would be willing to die for?
- What current circumstances can I positively change to free up more resources or create more opportunities?
- How do people view you? What are their initial impression? Has that impression changed?
- What would be a tag line that would best describe me?
- What is one area that I should beware of?
I'd like to challenge you today, to spend time to think through what is important in your life. What is the foundation of your values? What pushes you on and further in life? What can you improve by end of this year? What is one thing that you can do for somebody by end of this year? Isn't life about giving? How much have you give of your time, your money and your heart? I would like to challenge you to think thru these things and spend time to work on it. Don't wait till tomorrow for tomorrow may never come. Make today a masterpiece. The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today. You can do it! I have confidence and faith that you are meant for larger things. May God continue to bless you and enlarge your borders everyday!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Phillipians 4:8 (NIV).
Knowing my purpose in life, maximising my potential and sowing seeds to benefit others. - John C. Maxwell
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