
Thursday, October 21, 2004

Why People Don't Change...

Have you ever wondered why people don't change? Why are they the way they are? You scold them, beat them, bend them and yet, they prefer to remain where they are. A stubborn allegiance to old habits and traditions as it were. Why doesn't a person want to change? Does change threaten you?I believe that every born-again Christian should embrace change in their lives. Why? Because even Jesus' ministry leads to change and transformation. Are you resistant to change? Are you resisting the very work of God in your life? Are you prepared to renew your mind? People do not change because they are:- 1) Comfortable - They see no need for change in their lives. 2) Conscientious - They are resistant to change in their lives. 3) Conventional - They rely on their past achievements in life. I don't have any formula to help you change. I don't have an answer either. But I would want to bring into view the biblical aspect as to why we should change. In Proverbs, King Solomon wrote, "A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel". I believe that in everything we do, we need to grow, we need to learn, we need to run the race and we need to progress as it were, to a whole new level. In order to change our lives, we must change our thinking. John Maxwell says, "Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today". By changing the way we think, we change our lives. Another one of King Solomon's wisest proverbs, "As people think in their hearts, so they are". That is why, the no. 1 rule of change is "Do not force people to change". One person cannot change another person. You can only change yourself. You are responsible to people but not for them. You might be thinking, "I want to change but I don't know how to get past my emotions." So how can I change? You change when you, 1) Hurt enough that you are willing to change. 2) Learn enough that you want to change. 3) Receive enough that you are able to change. My challenge to you is to make a decision today. Tell yourself that you want to change. You want to breakthrough to a new level. James Allen, the author of As a Man Thinketh quipped, "You will become as small as your controlling desire as great as your dominant aspiration". Let your thinking grow and let your dreams grow bigger. You can change, it's a matter of decision and discipline. Are you prepared to bring yourself to a higher level at whatever the cost? If you are, then you need know 3 things:- 1) Change is personal - I need to change 2) Change is possible - I'm able to change 3) Change is profitable - I'll be rewarded by change If you have made that decision, I would encourage you to do few things. Learning is a process and don't be discouraged if you do not see results the moment you tell yourself you want to change. Here are a few steps to help you in your growth plan:- 1) Reaffirm yourself daily that you want to change, change is a daily decision. 2) Ask God for wisdom for He will give you without finding fault (James 1:5). 3) "One is too small a number to achieve greatness" says John Maxwell. Be amongst wise counsel who can help and encourage you to grow. A MAG would be a great place to start. If you don't have one, find one! (Prov 1:5) 4) Read at least one book a month. Learn and apply it in your life daily. I've made that decision to change 5 years ago. I told myself that I should take responsibility over my life and in order to be a vessel for God, I have to be prepared to make sacrifices. I have to be prepared to accept and learn things that might be foreign to me. I thank God for the people that have made a positive impact in my life. I would not be where I am today if it's not for them. Learning is a process and as I continue to add value in my journey, my deepest desire is to see fellow brothers and sisters walking that same path. I urge you to make that decision just as Jack La Lanne, America's "Godfather of Fitness" who at his 70th birthday swam a mile and a half while shackled as he towed 70 boats in Long Beach Harbor said, "Change your life, save your life, you are the most important person you have, if you won't do it, who will?". So make that decision today! For TODAY MATTERS! (Some of the points that I've written are taken from John Maxwell's Today Matters and Thinking For A Change.)