I arrived at the Singapore Airport early to make sure that my bass amp would be able to enter the aircraft safely. The officer at the check-in counter had a worried look on his face. "You do not have a box?". I said, "No". He was touching my bass amp and checking it as though he was about to devour it. "Hmm... I'm sorry but we can't let you carry this onto the plane. You will need to have a box or we might not be able to check it in for you either. We can't guarantee that you would have it in one piece." He did suggest that I go find a box so that I could place the amp inside. I found a post office nearby but they did not have any boxes big enough. I had to make do with what they have. Bought myself some tape and I started "packing" it.
A front view of my finished work...
How it looks from the rear...
Man, I thought to myself, this is gonna hurt. Prepare for a rough ride, baby! I was so anxious the whole time, and I was practically praying the whole journey. Praying that it would be returned to me in one piece and that it would still be functioning the time I get home. I was also praying that I won't get taxed by the customs for bringing home an electrical item.
Touch down! My heart was beating faster and faster. I rushed to the baggage reclaim area as fast as I could. Waited for over 20 minutes before the conveyor belt starting moving. Dup! Dup! Dup! my heart was beating... as bag after bag dropped onto the conveyor belt, my heart was beating faster and faster. And finally! I saw my baby, thank God it was still intact...
I rejoiced too soon... my heart sank when I suddenly realised that my lil' baby amp was about to experience a painful 2 feet fall when the baggage was dropped onto the conveyor belt. "BOOM!!!!" Immediately, I prayed to God and asked that everything was gonna be okay. The only thought I had in my mind was, I needed to get home as quickly as I could, plug my bass into it and start testing to make sure that it's working fine. But that was not the last of my problems, I was walking out of the terminal when the customs officer stopped me and asked me what I was carrying. My heart was beating to a faster rhythm now. "Err, ini alat muzik", I told the customs officer that it was a musical instrument. He looked at it and asked me how much it cost and where I got it. I told him it's used for guitars and he said, "Oh... okay, go on ahead"... Phew!!! I thought I was in for it already. But praise the Lord!
When I reached home, I chucked my bags aside and brought my baby up to my room, plug in the power supply and plugged my bass into my amp. Switched on the power and plucked a few notes on my bass. No sound! By now, sweat was rolling down my forehead. Oh no, I thought to myself. It's broken. I looked bass volume and it's at full blast. Sigh, after all the trouble! Suddenly, I realised that there was something I did not check. I turned the bass amp around and there it was! The switch that says "Speaker On/Off". I flick the switch to it's on position and Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! There was SOUND!!!! Muahahaha! Praise the Lord! Thank God that everything was okay. Looks like I was anxious over nothing. =)
The Abimelechs unites! Haha, got them together to take a photoshoot. Don't they look lovely together? Awww... Ah Whim Ba Wek! Ah Whim Ba Wek!

The Abimelechs Unite!
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