Another day at Intentia...

How sad, how tragic,
Yet another day in this training room.
It challenges my senses and logic,
As to why I did not hit him with a broom.
But thank God, it's almost over,
My dreams and desire are coming true.
I'll put this behind me forever and ever,
Never looking glum or blue.
Next week I'll be on vacation,
Travelling around Singapore day and night,
Shopping and eating, oh, wished it was my vocation,
Shouting "Hallelujah!" with all my might.
Gosh, I'm surprise that I could write,
It sounds funny but it really rhymes.
Oops, time is running out as our schedule is tight,
Gotta listen and probably yawn a couple of times.
See you soon my dear friends,
Listening to the final chapter.
As we tie up the odds and ends,
If I have the chance, I'll blog more later...

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