On costumes, G.A.S and look-a-likes...
One more day and I'll be back in Malaysia! Oooooooo I just can't wait! As much as most people think that I have the dream job of a lifetime, I must say that I truly miss Malaysia! Oh, you guys just don't know how much you appreciate where God has placed you until you are stripped away from it. Well, not that I've been totally stripped away from coming home, but I think I have a taste of how it feels. I had a really weird dream last night. I was shopping! And I think it looks One Utama. See, I miss FREO. I miss the FREO chicks. Bwahaha... But anyhoo, back to the dream... I was walking around and came across this costume shop. And they were selling all these costumes for RM49.90. Life-size costumes of lions, tigers, elephants and even llamas. Yes, the llamas were on 50% off! Haha... man, I can't believe I actually remember all those details! I was thinking twice whether I needed one. You know, I'm a sucker when it comes to hats or stuff like that. I'll find any excuse I can to wear my afro or my viking hat any day. So, I finally decided to get the lion's costume, it looks very much like the Cornetto lion, what's it called again? Oh yes, the Paddle Pop lion! But before I could grab it, someone took the last one from the shelf. :( Looks like it's between the llama and the chicken that looks like Sigourney Weaver with feathers. I've been overwhelmed by G.A.S lately. I have so much G.A.S that I think I need to compromise. Oh, that desire in me to let that G.A.S out! What's G.A.S? It stands for Gear Acquisition Syndrome. Yeah, it's a disease according to most musicians. You end up buying more and more gear even when you don't really need them. Well, to list a few, I wanted a iPod Photo, Playstation2, Canon 20D, Canon A95, a video camera, a minibar, a 5.1 home theatre system, a new handphone, a new bass, a new acoustic bass, new speakers and subwoofer for my car, and a..... and.... and..... the list goes on. Talk about living a simple life sigh... Oh Lord, why?! Anyways, I was surfing the net yesterday on iPod and today, I found out that my colleague from Portugal (handsome guy, any ladies interested? Still single) has an iPod! I finally got my hands in testing it and oh gosh! G.A.S. just got bigger! Since working for this customer, I've been dubbed the "Twin". Everywhere I go, everyone seems to say, "Hey, you look like Leslie", "Are you related to Leslie?"... or worse, "Good morning ,Leslie!" . Well, Leslie is this regional manager from my customer's Shah Alam office and apparently everybody knows him and I look almost like him. The strange thing is that I've never met him before for the past couple of months since the start of this project. Hehe, I hope I can get to see how identical are we. This really reminds me of how people used to think that I look like Andrew Yeoh. I think half of DUMC thinks that I'm Andrew Yeoh, Amy's brother. There was once I was talking to this guy for like 15 mins and somebody budged in and said, "Hey, David, do you know this guy you are talking to?". And he replied, "Yes, he's Andrew!". Man... I seriously think I need a change of image. What say you? On a lighter note, I was reading this article from www.graceatwork.org. I think it's really interesting and you guys should read it too. Tan Soo-Inn writes some really thought provoking stuff as well as challenges us to think twice about our own faith. Asking questions as to why we believe in what we believe? Like someone once told me, our faith only grows stronger when it's put to the test. Just like James says, "Test your faith!" (James 1:1-27). At the meantime, stay real!