During my MAG last week, something popped up during our conversation about people being different. Everyone has an innate sense of wanting to be different, unique, significant and special. Firstly, to set the record straight, you are unique! There is only one you. Doesn't that make you feel special? Besides, just differences in our physical appearance, our thought patterns are equally different. Two children born within the same family, with the same amount of care and concern plus the same education and yet they are both different. So what makes us unique? What makes us special?
To understand this, we have to first look at Scripture. What does the Bible say about my uniqueness?
13For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
(Psalms 139:13-16 NKJV)
I love the way David wrote this Psalm. In v.13, David beautifully describes how a baby is formed within a mother's womb. How God "covered" him in his mother's womb. To cover, is to protect, to overshadow. God was thinking of you while you were being formed in the womb and He was protecting you and overshadowing you. William MacDonald wrote,
"In a speck of watery material smaller than the dot over an 'i,' all the future characteristics of a child are programmed – the color of his skin, eyes and hair, the shape of his facial features, the natural abilities he will have. All that the child will be physically and mentally is contained in germ form in that fertilized egg. From it will develop 60 trillion cells, 100 thousand miles of nerve fiber, 60 thousand miles of vessels carrying blood around the body, 250 bones, to say nothing of joints, ligaments and muscles." To illustrate how highly complex protein molecules are: one molecule of hemoglobin, in the blood cell, may have in it 758 atoms of carbon, 1203 of hydrogen, 195 of nitrogen, 3 of sulphur, 1 of iron, and 218 of oxygen, making a total of 2378 atoms. All of the other 100,000 protein molecules are also highly complex and ALL of them are different! Imagine the amount of detail God placed into creating you, YOU ARE INDEED ONE OF A KIND!
The second verse, v14 is my favourite. David exalts the Lord and praises God for creating him. That he is fearfully and wonderfully made. In The Message, it reads
"I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!" STOP HERE! Spend a moment to just thank God for creating you. You are wonderfully and marvelously made! You are special and unique! Thank God for knowing you before you were even born, that He has His eyes on you, covering you even before the day you were formed in the womb. Yes, you are indeed special! Praise God that you are different (and that you don't look anything like me! Hallelujah!).
I'm just left in awe at our very own creation. Famous author, Henry Miller wrote, "
The moment that one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious and awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself". There was once where I was very depressed and upset about myself. I was not happy with the way I looked. I was not happy that I was fat, or not as good looking at the person next to me. In fact, I was not happy that I was not the most popular person around. I could not understand why people didn't share some secrets with me while they shared it openly with other people. Someone once told me, that all of us have handicaps one way or another, physically, mentally or spiritually.
I'd like to challenge you today, to praise God despite the
handicapness you think you might have. Just like David did, he was a murderer, a liar and an adulterer. He was not perfect, his life was not a bed of roses. Just like yours and mine. But just as God has created him and knew him from the day he was formed, David chose to praise God despite his "
disabilities". You can too if you learn to praise God today. Praise God for creating you, praise God for making you unique, praise God that you are special. If there is one thing that I would like to leave with you today, it would be that God loves you and that He knows you way before you were born. He created you. If you do not know Him, it's not to late. Come and experience this marvelous and awesome God!