Was cleaning my room in Ipoh and I came across my old BB uniform and all my badges. Man, it really brought back memories. "The Object of the Boys' Brigade shall be the advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends toward a true Christian Manliness." Haha, I still remember our objective after so many years. If you take a knife and cut a Boy's hand, he'll bleed blue or so they say.

I have to say that BB has been a milestone in my life. If there's one thing that I remember about school, it has got to be the Boys' Brigade. We had so much fun together. I miss you guys man, Kah Jin, Fooji, Ah Yat, Beng Kuin, Kin Hoe, Poong, Desmond, Kay Keat, Ah Kai, Edwin, Chee Wyai, Wah Hoo, and the rest. You guys really left a mark in my life. Thanks for making my secondary school life so special. Pray that you continue to impact lives around the world wherever you are.
I think I might have some old photos stashed somewhere. I'll see if I can find them and post them up.
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