
Monday, September 27, 2004

I Have A Dream...

Recently, I had the privilege of having dinner with a close friend of mine. Though we are years apart, 24 years to be exact, we get along pretty well. We are both in Pr. Chris' MAG and I'm so blessed to have known such a wonderful brother. Though, we have this love-hate relationship and those in our MAG would undyingly profess about what I've said is true. Chee Wai's a dear friend. I love him very much even though he says I look like a bulldog and he always gives me this "young-people-these-days" look on his face when I try to reason myself out of an argument with him on some technological advancement of handphones and computers. Whatever it maybe, I love Chee Wai dearly. *smilez* So, as I was saying, I had dinner at Chee Wai's house in Tropicana. We had a wonderful time of just sharing and praying for one another. I believed that it was indeed a divine appointment because some things that he said really has impacted me and he had posted some serious questions in my life that I have been pondering about for the past one week which I'd like very much to share with you today. 1) Being the best that you can be... Many times, we focus on how much we get (in terms of salary, benefits, etc) rather than how we could better ourselves. Instead of focusing on being the best that we can be, we begin to focus on what we would get right now. Our employers treat us bad, our pay is not good enough, I'm doing a three-person job, I should be paid more because I can do this and that and the list goes on... This really serves as a reminder for me to focus on what is really important. It's about me! Being the best in the trade that I'm in. Your employer might mistreat you for the first year, for the second year but for the third year, they can't neglect you. The reason is you are too good in your field and they can't bear to lose you to another company. But if you spent your time focusing on what you should be getting instead of being the best you can be, you have missed out on what is truly important. So make a decision today. Be the best that you can be in whatever area that you are in. Your work, your studies, your relationship. Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Right now, focus on today for that is what that really matters! 2) Dreams remain dreams until you wake up and make it real... Many of us have dreams. Dreams of a big house, a successful career, a loving partner, an unquenchable thirst of doing something great with our lives. But all these remain as dreams until we wake up from it and start to make it happen. John Maxwell said, "the bookends of success are starting and finishing". Many of us start well but few of us finish well. Oscar Wilde, the author of classics like "Dorian Gray" and "The Decay of Lying", died a miserable man wandering around Europe without a sense of purpose or destiny after spending years in prison. Success is not judged by how great you start but how well you finish as well. Today, if you have a dream of becoming somebody, start now! Don't wait for tomorrow may never come! If you have a burning desire to do something great, do it! Or it might just be a dream and might never happen... I wanna leave these thoughts with you. I wanna challenge you to take your life seriously. You only have one life to live and one life to give the best that you can ever be. It's not about what might happen in the future but what decisions you make today. The only adequate preparation for the tomorrow is the right use of today. So spend your day wisely and by making today a masterpiece, you make a legacy of your future...