He Who Is Yet To Be Named...

"He Who Is Yet To Be Named"
On this faithful day, Abimelech has a new friend! Yup, Ricky has a soft toy in his car (sissy!)! At the moment, besides, Elvis in his car, he now has a cute little dog. [EDIT] Okay, it might be a cow afterall. Yup, we haven't really found a suitable name for it. But you can start giving suggestions!

Abimelech and "He Who Is Yet To Be Named"
The band of brothers, Ricky, James, Andrew and myself went to DJ for our favourite pork chop rice in the evening. Yum! Yum! It's one of de best pork chop rice in town! If you are free, give me a call and we can have dinner there.

The Famous DJ Pork Chop Rice
After dinner, the band of brothers decided to visit Amy's mother in Sunway Medical Centre who had her gall blader removed. If you are reading this, pray for speedy recovery as she recuperates in the ward. We gave them a surprise when we marched in...

Hmm.. those T-shirts look familiar!

Auntie Kam Foong and Amy
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