
Friday, June 23, 2006

This vs. That...

Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Nike or Adidas?

Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?

iPod or Creative Zen?

McDonald's or Burger King?

KFC or Kenny Rogers'?

McDonald's or KFC?
Burger King... that's when I can't choose between the two...

Horror or Thriller?
Thriller... I got a small heart, cannot take the excitement..

Pizza or Spaghetti?

Mountain or Beach?
Beach (but cold like Cameron Highlands)...

Eat-in or eat-out?
Eat-in whenever possible, home-cooked food is best!

Books or Magazines?

PC or Notebook?

Plastic or Paper?
Plastic... can collect points... :)

Rain or Shine?
Shine... rain makes me gloomy...

Hot or Cold?
Cold... I don't like to sweat...

Cheezels or Twisties?
Cheezels of course!

Sleep or Exercise?

Aircond or Fan?
Isn't it obvious?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pain or Pleasure?

Many of us tremble at the sight of pain and our feet sways at the promise of pleasure. I found out that sometimes, it is healthy to remind us about pain. Let me explain...

  1. Pain makes us stronger. When I started excercising again, the first few days would most often be very painful for me. My muscles ache, my legs are tired and my arms feel like they're gonna drop off. However, when our body aches, it only means that our body is developing well.
  2. Pain makes us wiser. Have you been scalded before? I have. Now, whenever I am near hot water, I am more careful.
  3. Pain makes us take of our surroundings. Our normal reaction to pain is that we would withdraw. Our reflexes works in such a way that when we detect pain, we would quickly move away from it. We take notice of the danger signs around us.
  4. Pain makes us take notice of ourselves. When you are hurt, you tend to take notice on those areas. You begin to be more self-concious.
I'd like to highlight to you the point where our natural self would withdraw from any pain that is afflicted on us. In most cases, we would quickly run away towards the promise of pleasure.
  • Losing weight vs. ice cream
  • Homework vs. play
  • Church Morning Prayer vs. sleep
  • Work vs. holiday
  • Tithing vs. spending
Why? Because the promise of pleasure gives us satisfaction. But nothing eludes us more than the promise of pleasure! How many times have we said, "I'd do this later", "I'll do this tomorrow", etc? We procrastinate on things that we perceive as painful activities. "Only one bite, that won't destroy my weight loss regime" but the truth is that perceive that it won't but in actual fact, it will. One way to overcome this is to look at the effects of pain and what are the benefits we could get if were to stick to it and endure the pain in our lives? For example, I'd like to lose 10 pounds. The pain of having to lose that much is that I can't eat good glorious food for a while but the benefit is that I would be healthy. This way, I would learn to see that is promise after pain. And the reward you reap after a hard days work is more than what we can ever imagine. I would like to challenge you to think of one area of your life which you are putting off. Start taking action now. NOW! Not tomorrow, but NOW! Even if it requires you to sacrifice. Think of the benefits you would reap once you get that job/activity done. You won't regret it...

Three Stages in Every Great Work of God

It is impossible.

It is difficult.

It is done.

(Hudson Taylor, Missionary to China)

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Joy of a New Found Relationship...

It's more than 10 months now since my relationship with Lai Yeen started. Although I've known her for about 8-9 years now but I realize that I have so much more that I have yet to know about her. That's the amazing part of any relationship. But one thing that stands out above the rest is not how much I know her but how much I know myself. The past 10 months have only shown me how much I lack and how much I needed to improve. I began to see myself as someone who has so much more to learn and so much more to give to this world. Lai Yeen has been a source of inspiration to me and how much I begin to know about myself. Here is a lesson I'd like to leave with you...

The more you give,
the more you receive
The more you love,
the less you fret.
The more you do unselfishly,
the more you live abundantly.
The more of everything you share,
the more you'll always have to spare.
The more you love,
the more you'll find that life is good and friends are kind.
For only what we give away,
enriches us from day to day.
(David and Claudia Arp, Marriange Parnership Magazine)

I'm back...

Hi guys, How is it going, I know it has been a long time since I last blogged. Life has been a roller coaster ride the past couple of months. But I am determined to make a comeback. What is new in my life?

  • I have a new girlfriend...
  • I have a new housemate...
  • I have a new company name...
  • I have a new hobby...
  • I have a new blog...
  • I have a new beginning...