A Tribute to All Daughters...

Every home should have a daughter,
for there's nothing like a girl
To keep the world around her
in one continuous whirl.
From the moment she arrives on earth,
and on through womanhood,
A daughter is a female
who is seldom understood.
One minute she is laughing,
the next she starts to cry,
Man can't understand her
and there's just no use to try.
She is soft and sweet and cuddly,
but she's also wise and smart,
She's a wondrous combination
of a mind and brain and heart.
And even in her baby days
she's just a born coquette,
And everything she really wants
she manages to get.
For even at a tender age
she uses all her wiles
And she can melt the hardest heart
with the sunshine of her smiles.
She starts out as a rosebud
with her beauty unrevealed,
Then through a happy childhood
her petals are unsealed.
She's soon a sweet girl graduate,
and then a blushing bride,
And then a lovely woman
as the rosebud oepns wide.
And some day in the future,
if it be God's gracious will,
She, too, will be a Mother
and know that reverend thrill.
That comes to every Mother
whose heart is filled with love
When she beholds the "angel"
that God sent her from above.
And there would be no life at all
in this world or the other
Without a darling daughter
who, in turn, becomes a Mother!
-Helen Steiner Rice
This is a tribute to all the women who attended the Women of Worth Conference 2005 at DUMC on Sunday & Monday. Learning how to appreciate womanhood and knowing the role that women play in the Father's eyes. I've been blessed by so many of you and one entry is just not enough to sum up all the wondrous things you have blessed me. As we celebrate womanhood, I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you, women!
I've been giving an opportunity to bless the women through the Women of Worth Conference. There were 10 men who came together and spent 7 hours preparing 410 roses for all the women at the conference. We ended about 1.30am. We did everything from cutting and trimming the stock and leaves, dethorning, wrapping the aluminium foil with wet cotton, tying the ribbon and the card together and finally presenting the flowers to the ladies on Monday at the end of the conference. Here are some pictures from our escapade!

The finished roses...

Cutting the cards to precision...

The QC Manager, Pr. Chris...

The Merry Men...

As you can see, we are all working... hard!

Ian, getting ready to give the flowers to the ladies...

The flower bearers...

Wan Tee, he's the man!

Presenting the flowers...

That's me!
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