An E-mail from Christine...
Hello!!! Guess wat?????? Yesterday, I met up with my godsister (frm another church) for lunch. N she surprised me with a gift. When I saw the packaging, i knew instantly that it must be another cute thing. Well, she knows me so well so she prob knew what to buy. Niway, the point is, when I opened the gift, GUESS WAT I SAW??????? ITS A LOOK ALIKE ABIMELECH!!!! It was so farnee that I burst out laughing and laughing.. Yups, my godsister tot I was crazy n she went like, "its only a soft toy.." So I had to explain to her everything.. Niway, mine is not that big and this little giraffe is holding a cup. I tot u might like to see it so I took 2 pictures of it.. Isnt it just adorable?? What should i name it? Blessings, -Christine- "HIS grace is sufficient for me, HIS strength is made perfect in weakness..."

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